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TW-209: Car and Truck Wash

EC bottle sample 125TW-209 is a fast acting cleaner designed to loosen road film and grime on all types of vehicles, use it on cars, trucks, trailers and heavy equipment.

This heavy duty cleaner is biodegradable.

It’s combination of alkalinity, sequestrants and high foaming surfactants quickly attacks dirt and grime and yet rinses quickly without  streaking.


Physical Appearance........................................Pink liquid
Specific Gravity.................................................N/A
pH.....................................................................11.3 (use dilution)
Freeze point.....................................................N/A.
Phosphorous as % P........................................1.0
Flash point........................................ ...............None
Freeze point......................................................None

TW-209 can be used through high pressure equipment or by brush washing. Dilute TW-209 1 to 30 with water. Spray surfaces to be cleaned from the bottom to top. Rinse with high pressure from top to the bottom. Do not allow TW-209 to dry on surface being cleaned.

Repeated contact may cause redness and dry cracked skin. Eye contact will cause severe irritation.